Friends of the Dighton Public Library

Mission Statement
The Friends of the Dighton Public Library serve to foster public interest and support for the library through activities and events that share knowledge of its services and needs.

Upcoming Events
Second Annual Golf Tournament: Save the date and help support the Dighton Public Library by participating in our second annual gold tournament on Sunday September 15th at Hazelton Golf Course (327 Summer Street in Rehoboth). All proceeds raised will go towards the new Library at 207 Main Street. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER. If you would like to to contribute to the Golf Tournament fundraiser, you can scan the QR code below and pay by VENMO. Please note there is a $25 minimum to use the code.

All are welcome, and we always welcome new friends. All you really need to do is love the library and join us for a few meetings a year to help brainstorm and plan great events! If you are interested in becoming a Friend, please e-mail for more information.

Upcoming Meetings
Our two summer meetings are scheduled for Thursday July 18th and Thursday August 22nd. All meetings are held in the Children’s Section of the Library located in the lower lever of the Town Hall (979 Somerset Avenue). We hope to see you there!


List of Officers
President: Zach LaPointe
Vice President: Tracy Karolczyk
Secretary: Susanne Andrews
Treasurer: Brenda Herbeck

Mailing Address
Friends of the Dighton Public Library
P.O. Box 695
Dighton, MA 02715
